I guess you summed it up correctly, a really disgusting cult.
this is not meant to be a controversial discussion, but just mentioning what has happened to my daughter.. i personally started my fade early this year 2015, it has resulted in my losing all my so called jw friends and the brake-up of my marriage.
when i split up with my wife, she asked our daughter who she would like to live with, my daughter decided to live with me, and also abandoned the cult.. recently my daughter told me that she is very disappointed with the congregation of jehovah's witnesses because she thought she had friends there, but now she has realized that it was all conditional, not a single one of them has even remotely tried to keep contact with my daughter, she is 15, not baptized and never a publisher.. now yesterday she met up with a jehovah's witness friend who is in another congregation.
this friend is also 15, baptized since she was 14, a very dominant elder father, and has virtually no association outside jw circles, and also internet access is banned at home.
I guess you summed it up correctly, a really disgusting cult.
this is not meant to be a controversial discussion, but just mentioning what has happened to my daughter.. i personally started my fade early this year 2015, it has resulted in my losing all my so called jw friends and the brake-up of my marriage.
when i split up with my wife, she asked our daughter who she would like to live with, my daughter decided to live with me, and also abandoned the cult.. recently my daughter told me that she is very disappointed with the congregation of jehovah's witnesses because she thought she had friends there, but now she has realized that it was all conditional, not a single one of them has even remotely tried to keep contact with my daughter, she is 15, not baptized and never a publisher.. now yesterday she met up with a jehovah's witness friend who is in another congregation.
this friend is also 15, baptized since she was 14, a very dominant elder father, and has virtually no association outside jw circles, and also internet access is banned at home.
My daughter's (ex)JW friend is very upset and has cried a great deal since ending the friendship with my daughter, (info form my wife, who is still in but we are separated). My daughter has coped quite well, I am helping her to build a social support network after the witnesses, and is working well. Also my daughter has assured the friendship with the JW that my daughter will be there for her if she is needed.
That has added to the misery, not for my daughter, maybe this heart-breaking will nudge her a little towards the exit.
Bad Association .
I love being Bad Association for JWs.
this is not meant to be a controversial discussion, but just mentioning what has happened to my daughter.. i personally started my fade early this year 2015, it has resulted in my losing all my so called jw friends and the brake-up of my marriage.
when i split up with my wife, she asked our daughter who she would like to live with, my daughter decided to live with me, and also abandoned the cult.. recently my daughter told me that she is very disappointed with the congregation of jehovah's witnesses because she thought she had friends there, but now she has realized that it was all conditional, not a single one of them has even remotely tried to keep contact with my daughter, she is 15, not baptized and never a publisher.. now yesterday she met up with a jehovah's witness friend who is in another congregation.
this friend is also 15, baptized since she was 14, a very dominant elder father, and has virtually no association outside jw circles, and also internet access is banned at home.
They are all lumped together, which makes them all better than JWs.
They do shun non-witnesses, as with my daughter, and I agree they are hypocritical. To think i was one of them for so long, I feel ashamed.
I have encouraged my daughter to let this girl know that the friendship and love my daughter has for her is still there, and that the friendship can always be restarted. I also know this girl and her father and mother, they are very dominant and decide everything for their girl, and I am sure that this girl was not behind this decision. At some point she will (I hope) brake away and my daughter will be there for her, as a true friend should be.
this is not meant to be a controversial discussion, but just mentioning what has happened to my daughter.. i personally started my fade early this year 2015, it has resulted in my losing all my so called jw friends and the brake-up of my marriage.
when i split up with my wife, she asked our daughter who she would like to live with, my daughter decided to live with me, and also abandoned the cult.. recently my daughter told me that she is very disappointed with the congregation of jehovah's witnesses because she thought she had friends there, but now she has realized that it was all conditional, not a single one of them has even remotely tried to keep contact with my daughter, she is 15, not baptized and never a publisher.. now yesterday she met up with a jehovah's witness friend who is in another congregation.
this friend is also 15, baptized since she was 14, a very dominant elder father, and has virtually no association outside jw circles, and also internet access is banned at home.
This is not meant to be a controversial discussion, but just mentioning what has happened to my daughter.
I personally started my fade early this year 2015, it has resulted in my losing all my so called JW friends and the brake-up of my marriage. When I split up with my wife, she asked our daughter who she would like to live with, my daughter decided to live with me, and also abandoned the cult.
Recently my daughter told me that she is very disappointed with the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses because she thought she had friends there, but now she has realized that it was all conditional, not a single one of them has even remotely tried to keep contact with my daughter, she is 15, not baptized and never a publisher.
Now yesterday she met up with a Jehovah's Witness friend who is in another congregation. This friend is also 15, baptized since she was 14, a very dominant elder father, and has virtually no association outside JW circles, and also Internet access is banned at home. They have been friends with each other all their lives. This JW so called friend told my daughter that she no longer wants to be friends and wants nothing to do with my daughter. Naturally my daughter was heart-broken and she messaged a school friend who is Muslim, and the friend immediately messaged back she should stay where she is and is on her way to my daughter and that she will always be there for my daughter, this confirmed their friendship.
So who are true unconditional friends?
hi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
1) Converted
2) 1986
3) 2015
29 years
Internet played a major role.
over on the silentlambs facebook site is a copy of a document that purports to be an order by the service depart to destroy files relating to child molestation cases:
have any of you seen this?
is this a real document or bogus?.
over on the silentlambs facebook site is a copy of a document that purports to be an order by the service depart to destroy files relating to child molestation cases:
have any of you seen this?
is this a real document or bogus?.
Although they may well be able to destroy all information on crimes, there may well come a point in time when the authorities really take an interest in what JWs are doing, it will be clearly documented that the Elders were regularly told to destroy evidence.
There question will then be, "What type of evidence have they destroyed"?
what pranks could you/would you/ have you played in the kingdom hall?.
i have never but here's two i've thought of, 1) replace the liquid soap with glue 2) smear nutella everywhere in the bathroom!.
what's yours?.
Best laugh I have had today. Brilliant, I agree with you "Bastards".
To prepare for a disaster is not a bad idea. If you do not live in an earthquake zone, or an area that can be flooded, the question you ask yourself is, what is there to prepare for? Well that is what I thought, anyway not too long ago a factory caught fire about 1 mile from where I was living, toxic heavy smoke, that kept low and did not disperse so easily. Well luckily for us the wind blew it in probably the safest direction. Away from the residential area across the Rhine river towards Essen. If the wind was in our direction or no wind at all we would have had to evacuate, and practically with no warning.
Also a few years ago in this part of Germany there was ice rain which brought down many overhead power lines and many household had to be evacuated, (no electrical power, no heating) due to freezing temperatures.
But anyway I am still not prepare for a disaster, apart from a copy of my important documents stored in the cloud, and no doubt the NSA, GCHQ and the BDN have copies of them too.
this is one major reason why i dont try to wake up anyone anymore.
they need to take the first step, and then i will help---- if they ask.
otherwise i just listen and marvel at how some of them think.
John, could you keep a straight face?
I would probably have fallen off my chair laughing.